What a race! I arrived to Camp Eagle Saturday afternoon. Getting there (down a 8 mile dirt road) was mud bog. Friday night they got rain. Saturday afternoon, rain, and Saturday night rain. When I arrived I found a descent place to camp. (what was left) and pitched a tent. I decide to ride the course (one of the reasons for getting there early). It was a creamy mess. The trail was saturated. I rode for an hour and took it back to camp. Thereafter, cracked a beer and started making dinner. I cooked up a chicken breast, frozen veggies, and Roman Noodles. Then went to bed. Seems everyone shut it down around 11pm. During the night I was woken-up by a strange noise near my tent. Not once or twice, but three times. I thought it may have been a hog? I knew once I got back to the office my co-worker Tanner would know what it was. He's from this area and knows the wild life very well out in these areas. He said it most have been a Axis Buck. They're known for this noise I described to him. With that noise, the boy scouts, and rain during the middle of the night I woke every 30 minutes. Anyway, I woke at 7:30am to get breakfast started. Went and registered for the race. Found a pooper to blow up, then back to camp to get ready. My plan was to have the bike ready/everything ready at 9:50am and show up on the starting line @ 10:20am. The race was posted to start at 10:30. Once I left to start my warm up at 9:50am. They started calling my class -Cat 1 40-49 to start first in front of the Cat 2?? This delayed my warm-up. So, I showed up on the line cold. Thereafter, they had us just wait until 10:40 before starting us. It really sucked! I really needed my warm-up!
The race got started with a blast off the start which took us up a 200 foot climb then a hard left onto a , muddy trail. The climb freak'en hurt like no other! I felt like I had muriatic acid pumping thru my veins. The trail was just a messy mud bog. This makes it sooo much harder because your trying keep the bike up-right without a tire slipping or whatever. It's mental game against yourself at this point. These conditions just sap the heck out you. I wreaked once. Slid out a few times and got a seat rammed up my butt. Anyway, I ended up with a 7th Place, respectfully. I've got to be happy with that. I did notice that after the race my rear breaks were rubbing pretty good. And it certainly felt like it all day. Here are the result.
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